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캐투버(캐나다 유투버모임)는 ~~ 유튜브 채널을 운영하고 있거나, 운영하려는 사람들의 친목 단체로 유튜브 영상 기획, 촬영, 편집, 업로드,구독자관리,홍보에 대한 고민과 경험을 함께 공유하면서 ,대한민국의 문화를 계승발전시켜 나가면서 한민족의얼과 풍을 알리며 한류를 세계문화의 중심으로 만들어 가고자 합니다.. 카톡방주소 : https://open.kakao.com/o/gqT9i9Xc ...참여 및 문의전화 : 416-909-7070
이민의 토론토생활 ( 전체 게시글 수: 29 )
Rattray Marsh Conservation Area & Jack Darling Park캐투버 2020-09-08
첨부 파일:  

Rattray Marsh Conservation Area & Jack Darling Park


Rattray Marsh is an “environmental gem” located in a unique natural setting within the City of Mississauga . As the last remaining lakefront marsh between Toronto and Burlington , this environmentally sensitive wetland offers a different experience for nature lovers. Rattray Marsh is home to a variety of wildlife and plants and a definite must see for avid bird watchers, photographers and nature lovers. Jack Darling park is located by lake Ontario; the waterfront offers great fun for everyone all year around. The waterfront is fairly long, with rocky and sandy areas. It's not the kind of sand that you would find on a tropical island but it's not so bad either. The view from the beaches is spectacular: you can see the Toronto skyline t o the left and the endless blue horizon to the south. It is only by mid July when the water gets warm enough for fun swimming but many people (especially kids) go in earlier