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김치맨의 영상코너 ( 전체 게시글 수: 24 )
누구를 위한 도로변의 벤치? 캐투버 2020-01-14
첨부 파일:  

누구를 위한 도로변의 벤치? Who wants to sit on the Roadside Benches? Well Wasted Public Money?


이렇게하면 시민들이 무척 좋아할거야! 제 넘들은 그 시설 단한번도 이용 안 할거면서! 탁상공론! Roadside benches? Well Wasted Public Money? A few years ago, Haldimand County did some works on the Cayuga St. N. between Talbot St. W. and King St. in the area of so called Cayuga Village. They named the project something like 'The Beautification of Downtown Cayuga'. After the works, it looks more beautiful than before! Well done! Congratulations! They planted trees and put the metal benches for the residents, pedestrians, shoppers and visitors. As I work at the variety store and live upstairs at 17 Cayuga St. N., I have been kept an eye on the benches. I have been wondering who would sit on those benches. To my surprise and big disappointment! Nobody hardly sit on the roadside benches! The guys and gals work in the County office and construction designers at the desk must be dreaming. They must be very familiar with the phrase, 'If you build it, they will come!' They believed that if they install benches on the roadside, everybody in town would come and sit and say thanks to the County. Wrong! Totally wrong! I am asking some questions to the Mayor and the Councillors who decided put those benches. Have any of you ever tried sitting on the benches? Why don't you take a short walk from your office, and check these very nice looking benches? Are you going to sit on the benches inhaling auto fumes? Are you going to sit on the black metal benches on a hot summer afternoon? Or how about on a very cold winter night? I hope all of you would realize that you made big mistake and also wasted County money which belongs to all the county people. The well-made benches are good for your eyes only! Isn't it another case of well-wasted public money in the Haldimand County? Tony Lim, a.k.a. Toronto Kimchiman Cayuga ON