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이민의 토론토생활 ( 전체 게시글 수: 29 )
Culham trail in Mississauga캐투버 2020-09-08
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Culham trail in Mississauga


Culham trail runs along the credit river inside Erindale Park in Mississauga. The trail is long and flat. It serves cyclist, walkers and joggers. It get busy on weekend and holidays. It is not paved, so need to wear suitable footwear. Many people fish along the trail, especially in the fall when salmons swim up the river. Great place to stroll, run and jog. This hidden gem in the very heart of the city is a must hike for everyone. In the fall you will see deer, foxes, and all sorts of birds as it winds along the Credit River. Good for all ages and abilities.. just pop on anywhere along the route.